Papelsa is a company that has developed a comprehensive quality management, environment, industrial safety and occupational health system for customer satisfaction, promote environmental protection and ensure our employees’ safety and health.
We have a paper production plant in the Barbosa Municipality, and two cardboard production plants, one located in the same municipality and another in the City of Bogota.
Our products are 100% recycled, recyclable and environmentally friendly, which meet our customers’ needs and add a differentiating value.
We are a committed human team that works to be close to our customers, providing reliable alternatives in paper and corrugated cardboard, through comprehensive advice and competitive technology.
We exercise corporate social and environmental responsibility, which we extend to our customers making rational use of natural resources, and applying the sustainability concept in all products and processes.
We guarantee a satisfactory profitability which allows us permanent progress, our employees’ development and a fair compensation for them and other stakeholders.
We are a human team that works with passion, committed to innovation and continuous improvement, which acts coherently with social and environmental responsibility in everything we do.
From the talent of our people, we contribute every day to the growth of our business and society, always acting in a responsible and collaborative manner.
Living security in everything we do, to ensure the welfare of all our employees and other stakeholders that are involved in our process.
Papelsa is concerned about providing each of its employees with security, well-being and happiness in their work; and through this video the company demonstrated to each of the people who are part of it, that their life and their security are important not only for the organization but for their families; where each day they wait for them to arrive safely. This tribute was created with the purpose of raising awareness among all the employees of Papelsa about caring for their lives, without knowing what would be so moving for themselves and their families.