Circular Economy

We support change towards an efficient economy in the use of resources, 81,000 tons were recycled in 2017. " Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs." Brundtland Commission (1987): Our common future.

Responsible Product Cycle

Our products are made from 100% recycled fibers, which at the end of their life cycle, return to the production chain, generating new raw material and thus contributing to the environment.

Closed Cycle with Customers

Tetra Pak fiber exploitation project, 583 tons of consumed fiber equivalent to 92'038.034 of 250 ml containers.

How does recycling increase the life of paper?


Environmental management

  • Energy: 72% reduction in the last 17 years. Rational usage of energy.
  • Water:Reduction of 80.5% in the last 20 years. Efficient use and savings.
  • Carbon footprint reduction in the last five years:
    • Corrugated plant reduction 18.5%
    • Reduction of carbon consumption, cogeneration project 39%
    • Reduction of carbon footprint in energy, cogeneration project 8.1%
  • Recycled fiber: We consume 12% of recyclable waste generated in Colombia.
  • Sustainable production and consumption agreement:
    • Environmental performance indicators
    • Sustainable management diagnosis of suppliers
    • Carbon footprint
    • Chemical substances management
    • ISO 14001 Certificate, 2015 version - Risk Management


For PAPELSA, sustainability is a way of life and is integrated into our day-to-day operations, which is why we have comprehensive policies that help us seek the well-being of our stakeholders. We seek to do more with fewer resources, thinking not only in today but also in the future.

Sustainability Strategy Recognition since 2008

We achieved the Corporate Sustainability Recognition granted by the Metropolitan Area in the Leader category, with one of the highest scores among the competing companies. This is Recognition to organizations that work hard to reduce environmental impact and improve quality of life.
